James Killer

World is committed to making participation in the event a harass ment free experience for everyone, regardless of level experience gender, gender identity and expression
Friday August 19th
Suislaw High School Viking Cheer Team Car Wash & Can Collection
Sears Hometown Store Parking Lot
685a Highway 101, Florence
Head into the weekend with your Bronco (and other vehicles) a little cleaner. The NWBR is proud to support the Siuslaw High School Viking Cheer Team as they work for donations to help pay for team uniforms, bags to haul gear to competitions, cheer shoes, and poms.
Want to help a little more? The cheer team would gladly accept your empty soda cans and water bottles.
All donations go directly to the cheer program and are greatly appreciated. Just another way for the NWBR
group to support a little more of the local Florence community.
Directions: Map
On the West side of Hwy 101
Sears Hometown Store parking lot (across from Safeway Fuel Station).
West on 6th St., Right on Maple St, Right into Sears parking lot.
Watch for the car wash team to guide vehicles through the line and not block neighboring streets and driveways.